Saturday, February 2, 2013

Money Saving Tips I've found!

Need help saving money for your wedding ?
Since Nick proposed, I’ve been looking for ideas, gaps, & so much more on how to save money and not end up with a 2093509237498324729034723987 $ wedding.. if that’s even possible. People get so carried away! You don’t need a fondue fountain, candy carts or ice carvings.
So, I put together a list of things that may be helpful! Enjoy !!
  • Find a jar or a box ANYWHERE & when there is a song you like put a given amount ( your choice ). Every time it plays, put money in there. When a song you DON’T like the song - force yourself to hear it & reward yourself by putting a given amount ( maybe double of what you put for the song you like) in the jar. I read of a couple who saved up 6,000$ within a year, they had a whole playlist!
  • This may help or hinder you to be honest - lol. With the same technique as the songs - place a price for every curse word you KNOW you use. Every time you say it, mark it down or put that to the side. I won’t tell you how much I’ve saved ;) lol..
Working out:
  • Your biggest goal when working out is how you look in your wedding dress.. yes? Well, your dress is also to be gorgeous. So every time you work out, push yourself, or try something new - pay yourself. Reward yourself for a job well done!
  • Set a daily goal(s) and a weekly goal(s) - every time you complete one, give up a set price. When you don’t get it done - give it up! Twice the size!
On top of these goals, put $5-$10-$20 dollars in there a day, if you can..
If you put in 5 a day, that’s 35/week — 140/month ; & 840 in 6 months
If you put in 10 a day, that’s 70/ week —280/month ; & 1680 in 6 months
If you put in 20 a day, that’s 140/week — 560/month ; & 3360 in 6 months


1 comment:

  1. My husband and I had a destination wedding. We went to Vegas had about 30 guests. I think the Reception was about 6000... wedding was $800. We didn't do open bar in Vegas though we bought 4 drinks per person.. which I think is enough to get your buzz on. It was $68 head but less people come. It was AhMazing! Are you two married yet? If not have you started a pinterest board? Sorry I'm like uber addicted to Pinterest hahaaha
